About us

How we work

What we have learned over the years in eLearning business is that people are the most important ingredient in every product that we create.

We value our customers' engagement, end users of our products and their feedback. Their opinion and satisfaction is our greatest priority.
What is more, we believe that team work and constant improvement are our greatest strengths. Our team's motto is to never be affraid of a challenge!

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Project Kickoff

Heading off into uncharted waters may be daunting, but having a good kickoff meeting allows us to set the course for a successful project. The key point of this meeting is to introduce the crew, understand what all parties need to do to sail smoothly towards a common goal, agree on how to work together effectively and what the end of the journey should look like.

Ideation and Evaluation

There is nothing that we love more than a creative buzz. At this stage we use various ideation techniques to explore possibilities and to think about how to tackle potential challenges.
Then it is time to gather, categorise, refine and narrow down the best ideas, solutions and strategies to ensure the project's success.

Design Process

At this stage we outline the project's key features, structure and major deliverables. The goal is to create a picture of what the result should be. Sketches, flowcharts, site trees, prototypes, mockups help to create a shared vision for our team and our client. We narrow down the options and define the pathways project development will go.

Development Process

When it comes to the development stage we have one goal: to deliver quality on time, within budget and scope. Using agile methodologies to keep pace with the ever changing business requirements and the world that surrounds us, we deliver incrementally and conduct meticulous tests to meet even the most rigorous standards.



Customer satisfaction
Knowing that our work met the client's expectations means the world to us. We always try to be ready to go the extra mile and never say that something is impossible before we try.
Welcoming challenges
It is all about expecting the unexpected. We try to think about potential obstacles not as blockers, but as something for which we haven't found the solution – yet!
Delivering quality
Our priority is to create something of value and it drives our everyday work. We believe that constant testing and reviews will allow our projects to stand up to the most thorough scrutiny.
Building team spirit
We know that we achieve the best results when we work together. Good communication and friendly atmosphere is crucial for us and define the essence of our company.
Constant improvement
Nothing worth having is easy, therefore we take effort to push ourselves in our daily work and to stay up to date with the latest developments in our field.
Appreciating feedback
Improvement is intertwined with inspection and we truly rely on feedback from users and clients. We appreciate every opinion and suggestion, as it helps us to get better and better.
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